Minimally invasive brain surgeries

Minimally invasive neurosurgery utilizes small, flexible, lighted tubes called endoscopes to visualize various parts of the brain, skull base, or spinal cord through small openings. Endoscopes serve as small microscopes, magnifying critical anatomical structures so the surgeon can easily see the various diseased areas requiring repair, removal, or replacement.  A small incision (less than an inch) is needed for a neuroendoscopy. Smaller incisions and bony openings often result in less pain and shorter hospital stays. Because the use of endoscopes is much less intrusive into these anatomical structures than is conventional surgery, endoscopic neurosurgery is referred to as minimally invasive neurosurgery.

Many brain tumor operations that previously required a large scalp incision and large bony opening (craniotomy) can be performed as minimally invasive surgery – using smaller incisions and craniotomy openings.


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